Judy Richardson, Founder
Aspen Vibrational Health, LLC
A little about me…
I began my sound healing journey in 2016 when I first learned about how vibration and soothing sounds can calm the nervous system and bring about profound relaxation and healing. I have spent much of my life working through the effects of complex trauma, PTSD, and chronic Lyme disease (with co-infections). After trying just about everything, I turned to alternative options.
Yoga was my first step - it helped me learn how to feel comfortable in my own skin, and begin to trust my physical body after I’d spent many years dissociating out of it.
Vibrational Sound Therapy came next - and it was a game changer. This subtle therapy created shifts in my energy field and re-wired my thinking. I was able to move past a largely pessimistic perspective into believing I could do and be anything. I released the fear that had been shaping my entire life and have stepped onto a completely different path. This shift in perspective gave me the tools I needed to step into my own power to visualize and create healing outcomes and my best life.
I have since spent many years learning several different modalities so I can offer my clients choices as they figure out what works best for them. I’ve also added technologies for evaluating progress and course corrections as needed.
My mission and passion is to help others find their own way to process trauma, develop trust in themselves, and realize optimal health through vibration, sound, and movement.
Credentials & Experience
Certified Biofield Tuning Practitioner; Vibrational Sound Association Certified & Licensed Practitioner (VSTCLP); Certified Bio-Well Practitioner; Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-500); Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra Certification; Certified Practitioner of Integral Sound Therapy for both Individuals and Groups; HealthRHYTHMS Trained Facilitator; Warriors at Ease Level 1 Yoga Teacher; Veterans Yoga Project Mindful Resilience Yoga Teacher; Resilient Heart - Trauma Sensitive HeartMath Certified Practitioner; US Navy Veteran (Hospital Corpsman)