AcuDetox & Ear Seeding

AcuDetox is a form of auricular acupuncture (Ear Acupuncture) that involves the use of very small needles (smaller than the width of a human hair) inserted in key points on the outer part of the ear. AcuDetox is a proven protocol to help with addiction, depression, PTSD, and overall detoxification. The following points are included:

  • (Para) Sympathetic Nervous System: Helps shift the nervous system from sympathetic dominance (fight or flight) to parasympathetic dominance (rest and digest). Good for relieving tension and pain. Assists in relaxing the entire body.

  • Shenmen (Spirit Gate) / Heart Meridian: Grounds the body, calms the spirit. Supports emotional processing. Helps with anxiety, depression, insomnia, cravings and opens inner awareness.

  • Kidney Point / Kidney Meridian: Supports adrenals, which are frequently overstimulated by chronic stress. The kidney meridian supports overall state of one’s health and is especially helpful in regulating life transitions and reducing chronic symptoms.

  • Liver Point / Liver Meridian: Related to anger and irritability, supports emotional flow and helps relax muscle tension. Aids in detoxification of toxins and helps us adapt within our environment. Helps us manage anger and frustration, allowing the body to grow in resilience and reduce symptoms of hyper arousal.

  • Lung Point / Lung Meridian: Related to grief and sadness. Stimulating the Lung point helps strengthen one’s immune system and helps protect the body from disease. It also helps with breathing. ailments caused by smoking, colds, flu, and asthma. The Lung point helps the body excrete alcohol and other drugs.


    Join us the first Monday of each month to experience AcuDetox with a relaxing sound bath!

    AcuDetox can also be added to any Biofield Tuning or Vibrational Sound Therapy session.

    Ear seeds are available instead of needles if desired.