Biofield Tuning

Biofield Tuning is a specific form of vibrational sound therapy that uses tuning forks to induce changes in the electromagnetic energy field of the body (also known as the biofield). The biofield is unique to each individual, and contains information about your physical, emotional, and mental states and is directly tied to your nervous system. During a session, tuning forks are moved through the clients’ biofield while we listen and feel for resistance or other disturbances. These areas of dissonance within the biofield often reveal physical concerns, specific stressors, or even memories that still hold emotional charge. By working through these areas in your biofield, the accompanying symptoms are released or diminished. The tuning forks introduce a harmonic pattern that helps release and re-integrate the dissonant energy. Giving back stuck energy to your biofield provides a boost of energy and healing. Clients have experienced profound shifts in personal insight, a quieting of intrusive thoughts, and improved sleep. Most report feeling “lighter” with reduction or elimination of symptoms.